Week 3 update

Hi everyone,

It’s hard to believe we are almost a third of the way through term 4! There is a lot of excitement for camp next week, so things still feel a little unsettled. However, we have been getting through some great work with data, graphs, heat transfer and how to be a great friend (I hope you’ve been getting some compliments at home!).

With Friday being a pupil free day, tomorrow is the last chance to bring back notes regarding medications, and address any questions or concerns face-to-face. Of course, you are welcome to email me!

Happy packing over the weekend- be sure to tick things off the checklist as you go.

Miss Chambers

Term 4 overview

Hello everyone,

I have attached the overview of learning for the term.

A lot of our learning will be through a focus on wellbeing and positive relationships, and a solar oven project. By connecting English and Maths through these topics, learning is more authentic, relevant and engaging. I am very keen to hear any feedback that filters through to you at home!

Enjoy the rest of the week,

Miss Chambers


Camp reminder

Hello Star 19 families,

I hope you all had enjoyable holidays and everyone is coping with the back-to-school adjustment!

Just a reminder that payment for camp is due next Friday (27/11). Thank you to the families who have handed in the forms and begun to make payments.

The camp dates are Monday 6th – Wednesday 8th November (week 4).

We are aiming to have more information out next week about grouping, activities, what to pack, etc.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Excursion to the Living Kaurna Cultural Centre

Hello parents!

Next Wednesday (13/09/17) Room 18 and 19 have their excursion to the Living Kaurna Cultural Centre. We will leave school at 9.30am and arrive back to school at 2.30pm. Students will need to bring their recess, lunch and water bottle in a small bag.

We would really appreciate volunteers for this excursion, so that we can meet the DECD requirements for adult:student ratios. If you are able to join us for the experience, please let me know as soon as possible!

Many thanks,

Swimming and Science

We survived our week of swimming! The level of organisation shown by Star 19 was impressive, and as far as I’m aware, we managed to get through the week without even losing a sock!  We had great feedback from the staff at the pool who emphasised how polite and respectful our students had been through the week, and one of our bus drivers made a point of telling me twice through the day how great they were. I’m sure you’ll be humbled to know that your children are a pleasure to work with!

The main focus of swimming lessons were water safety and survival, and the children seemed to respond really well to the information. I heard that in previous years there have been pool discos and parties, but as it doesn’t fit with the theme of “water safety”, today all the groups combined to simulate a rip. It was very splashy!

Rip it up!

Despite having such a topsy turvy week, we still managed to get some great learning done. We have spent a lot of the term planning and writing an investigative report for science, and this week we were able to conduct the experiment. Everyone had a role within their team, which helped the experiment to run smoothly. Ask your child about their experiment, and make sure you encourage them to use expert language! They are beginning to talk like real scientists.

Heat experiment

A pile of papers (4 pages) about the Narnu Camp will be coming home tonight. Although the camp is in term 4, we feel that it’s important for families to have plenty of notice so that they can get everything organised. I’ve heard really positive things about Narnu, and it’s a great opportunity for some hands on experiences, as well as strengthening relationships. If you have a current DCSI clearance, and can spare the time, we will soon be taking names of parents who can join us as volunteers for the camp.

A reminder that because we are a sun smart school, it’s now time for hats to be worn each play time. Dust them off, and pack them into the bags!

Enjoy the weekend! I hope all the fathers have a very special day with their families.


Book week group photos

What a great book week!

On Wednesday we escaped to the Middle East, Pakistan and Outback Australia with Roseanne Hawke. She introduced us to some of her characters, and talked about how she uses her experiences and research to create characters and stories.

We were joined by Holly Nunan on Thursday morning, who was very engaging and inspiring. Our session with her was full of positive messages about the power and importance of believing and trusting in yourself, which tied in really well with our whole-school focus on growth mindsets. She read her book “What is an idea?”, and took the time to answer many questions.

Later that afternoon we watched a “Super Duper” performance, which followed the story of a boy whose superpower was to bring books to life. It featured characters from the shortlisted books, as well as a few of their own creations. It was great to see so many kids get involved with the dancing and offers to help out on stage.

Wow, was I impressed to see the effort and thought put into so many book week costumes! I really had no idea what I was in for, but I was blown away at the parade by everyone involved.
At the end of the day I tried to get a whole class selfie, but we couldn’t manage it, so instead we have two group pictures!

I hope you all had plenty of positive feedback about the week. I know I certainly enjoyed my first CLG book week!

Swimming week 6

Good morning!

Star 19 have their swimming sessions next week: Monday to Friday, from 9.30am to 10.30am.

The bus will leave school at 9.00am, so we need to have the roll marked and be waiting outside by this time. It’s important that everyone is punctual and organised each morning.

Being organised means:

  • Wearing swimwear under school uniform
  • Goggles packed
  • Towel packed
  • Medication and action plans given to Miss Chambers
  • Change of underwear packed
  • Plastic bag for wet items packed

The bus will leave Westminster to return to CLG at 11.00am, which means we won’t be eating until almost 11.30am. Please make sure your child has a big, wholesome breakfast (we want to avoid any cases of the hangries!).

Parents are welcome to attend the sessions to watch their child. There is a sign up sheet outside of Room 19. Please read the information carefully before signing.

Miss Chambers

Book Week 18-25 August

Hi everyone,

Today is the official launch of Book Week 2017!

Attached is a poster to let you know of the events that will be taking place at CLG for book week.

Star 19 will have two meet the author experiences; we will be attending a session with South Australian author Roseanne Hawke on Wednesday morning, and we are very fortunate to have Holly Nunan, author and motivational speaker, offer to visit our class on Thursday morning!

I hope everyone is getting their costume ideas sorted for the parade next Friday (also on my “to do” list this weekend).

Promotional Poster-1zvvlsu

School photos

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder that scissors need to be kept out of reach because we have school photos tomorrow at 10.00am, and family photos on Wednesday at 11.20am. We don’t want wonky fringes or bald patches!

If you would like to order photos, please ensure your child has their own envelope with them tomorrow.



Room 19 update

Hi everyone,

We’re getting back into our routines here in Star 19, and settling in well after the holidays!

Attached to this blog is a copy of the term overview. Please have a read through and let me know if there are any points you would like to discuss.

Some of you may have noticed or heard that I was out of the classroom Thursday and Friday of week 1. I will also be away from the class this coming Tuesday (week 3). I am taking part in a pilot project developed with DECD, UniSA and Adelaide Uni, which is focusing on supporting teachers to address the language demands in literacy, through a science unit.  Their argument is that children do not understand the science if they cannot use appropriate scientific language, so I will be trialling an approach which will hopefully have our class talking like expert scientists by the end of the term.

Swimming notes have gone out to families. Please ensure you return both the medical note, and consent form to the school. Payments are made to the front office, however I can pass these on if you cannot find the time to make it to the office.

The lap-a-thon was a huge success last Friday. I saw many children putting in all their effort, and I am so impressed at the stamina and endurance of the runners! Thank you to the parents, carers, family members and friends who were involved with the sponsorship. When the learning space is finished we’ll have to have an appreciation bake-a-thon for you all.