Enterprise Day planning

Hi everyone,

Believe it or not, we have just finished Week 7 of Term 1. As Enterprise Day is in Week 11, this means we have less than 4 weeks to get ourselves organised!

We have been having many conversations about what stalls to have, what will work and what won’t. So far, we have decided on 3 stalls. I would love to be able to have them all, but a lot depends on the permissions and support we have from you.

Enterprise Day is all about encouraging the children to work as a team to plan, organise, and run a stall to raise money for the school. In the lead up to the event my purpose is to provide the children with the knowledge and skills they will need to successfully run their stall. I am a facilitator, rather than a leader, so that the children have ownership over their stalls.

We have found out that the money raised from Enterprise Day will go towards re-purposing an old building from a storage area to a learning space for cooking, science experiments and hands-on learning activities. As a lover of cooking and learning through doing, this news is very exciting to me!

Our stall ideas are as follows, plus a list of items needed for the stall that the students have come up with:
1. A hair station that offers coloured spray and hair styling for boys and girls. (coloured hair spray, towels, hair ties, hair nets, bows, gloves, hair spray)
2. An origami stall, where customers will be able to buy origami made by the students (coloured paper, baskets/buckets to store origami)
3. A Nerf Battle stall, with boxes for cover and props for protection (Nerf guns, bullets, boxes, cardboard) While this stall sounds like it could be lots of fun, I must be clear that I can not guarantee that each gun will make it back home in the same state, and there is a chance that children will leave with less bullets than they came with.

Your child will be able to let you know which stall they would like to organise, and it is crucial that you communicate any concerns or reservations that you may have about their chosen stall, so that we can work through them as a team.

If you have skills in any of the areas, or are willing to lend a hand in making these stalls the best that they can be, this will be greatly appreciated!

I look forward to hearing from you about your thoughts, ideas and feedback!

Miss Chambers