Swimming and Science

We survived our week of swimming! The level of organisation shown by Star 19 was impressive, and as far as I’m aware, we managed to get through the week without even losing a sock!  We had great feedback from the staff at the pool who emphasised how polite and respectful our students had been through the week, and one of our bus drivers made a point of telling me twice through the day how great they were. I’m sure you’ll be humbled to know that your children are a pleasure to work with!

The main focus of swimming lessons were water safety and survival, and the children seemed to respond really well to the information. I heard that in previous years there have been pool discos and parties, but as it doesn’t fit with the theme of “water safety”, today all the groups combined to simulate a rip. It was very splashy!

Rip it up!

Despite having such a topsy turvy week, we still managed to get some great learning done. We have spent a lot of the term planning and writing an investigative report for science, and this week we were able to conduct the experiment. Everyone had a role within their team, which helped the experiment to run smoothly. Ask your child about their experiment, and make sure you encourage them to use expert language! They are beginning to talk like real scientists.

Heat experiment

A pile of papers (4 pages) about the Narnu Camp will be coming home tonight. Although the camp is in term 4, we feel that it’s important for families to have plenty of notice so that they can get everything organised. I’ve heard really positive things about Narnu, and it’s a great opportunity for some hands on experiences, as well as strengthening relationships. If you have a current DCSI clearance, and can spare the time, we will soon be taking names of parents who can join us as volunteers for the camp.

A reminder that because we are a sun smart school, it’s now time for hats to be worn each play time. Dust them off, and pack them into the bags!

Enjoy the weekend! I hope all the fathers have a very special day with their families.
